Many business owners do not have the knowledge or expertise to know if their IT department, IT person, or outsourced vendor is performing up to expectations, in line with their business goals. Many executives assume their technology is working appropriately even though it may not be designed for peak performance, cost efficiency and future growth.

Mike Heil, Owner of ThrottleNet, appeared on TNtv to discuss how business owners can gain a better handle on their use of technology and hold their IT department more accountable.

Heil said most business people have great knowledge about their own business practices but lack expertise about IT. He indicated these executives assume things are working well if their computers appear to be working normally and emails are being received and sent in the usual manner.

However, Heil said, it takes a skilled technology professional to look at all IT functions with the ability to quantify all operations and ensure all are performing at optimum levels.

Questions You Should Ask the IT Department

Heil said a business owner should be asking their IT department, staff person, or managed service provider three key questions about their computer network.

1. Is your network monitored properly? Heil indicated that someone should be watching the network and ensuring the proper software is installed and backups and workstations are running properly. This should all be documented in a report written not in technical terms but in language anyone can understand it.

2. Has the network been designed in a logical way? Rather than plugging in wires wherever they may fit Heil said a business should have a plan for their network. Everything should be setup in a logical consistent pattern including works stations, security, firewalls and servers. Documentation should be utilized to ensure this practice is taking place.

3. Should you be investing in your technology and are there are logical reasons to do so? Perhaps a business needs more bandwidth or faster Internet speed for expansion or for hiring additional staff. Investing in your network should be a logical decision based on detailed information in line with your business goals.

Detailed and documented reporting by a skilled IT professional adds accountability to your technology investment, ensures your network and/or IT department is performing in a profitable, efficient manner and enables you to sleep well knowing you are handling your technology, and essentially your business, in the best way possible.

Enhancing IT Accountability for Stronger Security and Performance

Moreover, accountability in an IT department doesn’t just improve performance—it also enhances security. In today’s digital landscape, cyber threats are more prevalent than ever, and a lapse in IT oversight can leave your business vulnerable. By holding your IT department accountable for implementing security best practices and staying updated on the latest threats, you minimize the risk of costly data breaches and downtime. An accountable IT department ensures that cybersecurity measures are consistently enforced, making your company more resilient against attacks.

Additionally, partnering with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) can help reinforce this accountability. MSPs provide regular reporting, monitoring, and assessments, giving you full visibility into your IT operations. This transparency not only ensures that your IT department is meeting its goals but also provides peace of mind that your technology investments are being maximized. When IT accountability is prioritized, it drives better performance, cost-efficiency, and long-term business success.

Incorporating accountability into your IT department also fosters a culture of continuous improvement. When clear goals and performance metrics are in place, your IT team is encouraged to identify inefficiencies and seek innovative solutions to improve processes. Regular evaluations and feedback loops promote growth and adaptability, ensuring that your IT infrastructure evolves with the changing needs of your business. This proactive approach not only optimizes operations but also positions your company to stay ahead of industry trends and technological advancements.

Watch this episode of TNTv below!