We Support your IT Everything

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Once you’re comfortable with ThrottleNet, we’ll make sure your entire staff is, too. We have developed an onboarding process that sets both our team and our clients up for success. This process isn’t just for us. We designed it for you.
After we complete our initial discovery and assessment of your IT infrastructure and security needs, we will take the time to inform and educate you about the specific challenges you and your network are facing. We’ll give you clear recommendations complete with expected outcomes so you know where your roadmap ends. Our easy online approval system makes it easy for you to choose which options to move forward to the next phase: Onboarding. Not just for you and your network, but for your entire company.
We’ll introduce ourselves to your entire staff, show them the various ways to contact us for support, and train everybody on best practices for ‘digital hygiene’ to avoid common security risks. Have a closer look at ThrottleNet’s onboarding process below.
Once the onboarding process is complete, the only thing remaining is world-class IT and unwavering support for your team and network. Are you ready for better IT services, solutions and security? Fill out the contact us form or give us a call today.
Contact Us Call: 314-227-2628Easily review, choose and approve the options you want our team to implement.
To simplify the approval process, ThrottleNet employs a digital approval system that allows you to view, select those options you’d like to move forward with and approve from any device with an internet connection.
Meet your new ThrottleNet vCIO, the point person who will guide your onboarding, implementation, training and more.
After you’ve approved our agreement, we’ll schedule a call with your new Virtual Chief Information Officer – otherwise known as a vCIO. Your vCIO will summarize everything you’ve agreed to in addition to collecting information around designated points of contact, other technology vendors, and overview of their assigned ThrottleNet team and how to contact them. In addition, your vCIO will oversee the onboarding/implementation process as well as any associated projects
All aboard! As implementation goes full-steam ahead, we’ll introduce ourselves to your entire staff and bring everyone up to speed on your new solutions.
After you’ve approved our agreement, we’ll schedule a call with your new Virtual Chief Information Officer – otherwise known as a vCIO. Your vCIO will summarize everything you’ve agreed to in addition to collecting information around designated points of contact, other technology vendors, and overview of their assigned ThrottleNet team and how to contact them. In addition, your vCIO will oversee the onboarding/implementation process as well as any associated projects
Over breakfast or lunch provided by ThrottleNet, we’ll educate, empower and instruct your employees on being strong defenders of your network and data security.
ThrottleNet was one of the first and continues to be one of the only organizations in the Saint Louis Metro area that provides IT Security Awareness Training for your entire team. The reason we provide this training is that we understand the weakest link in any network is the user. If we can educate them on how to safely surf the internet and how to identify phishing and social engineering attacks, your network stands less of a chance of being compromised due to user error. During this training, we also review frequently-asked questions and how to request support when you need it. Finally, this training is usually performed over a meal that we provide, negating that old saying “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” (or possibly breakfast in some cases).
Your vCIO and the ThrottleNet support team keep you up, running and moving forward.
When we’ve established a “go live” date, we begin deploying agents to all endpoints for proactive monitoring, maintenance and management of your systems. These aren’t little men in black suits, but they’re close. These agents also allow us to gain access to your network whenever your users request support as well as to proactively address any alerts we might receive. We’re also going to deploy our antivirus/antispyware/antimalware solution to mitigate any virus or malware related risks. This solution is fully managed – in real time – by ThrottleNet to address the potential for zero day viruses – viruses that didn’t exist yesterday, but do today – since your protection is only as effective as what it knows.
This morning I notified Throttlenet that I was unable to log into our VPN. This time I contacted them via a remote connection request rather than a phone call. I heard. back from the tech quickly and after a few minutes he was able to determine the problem and give me instructions on how to reconnect. Everything is working! Great job Throttlenet!
Don't wait for your next IT crisis. Contact us today for a free on-site consultation & security report to evaluate your business’s IT security needs.
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