With Black Friday and Holiday shopping ramping up, there is a new threat to be aware of, eSkimming. Hackers are infiltrating eCommerce stores to steal credit and debit cards, along with other personal information, this process is similar to skimming on a gas pump. Join Sales Director, Chris Montgomery, in the latest TN ALERT to learn how to protect your eCommerce store and your customer during the holiday season.

Video Transcript

My name is Chris Montgomery and welcome to this TN Alert. Just as online holiday shopping begins to heat up, the FBI has issued a warning about hackers infiltrating online shopping carts to steal credit and debit cards and other personal information. The growing scam is called a skimming and it happens when cybercriminals inject malicious code onto retail websites, reports the organ FBI in a news release with small and medium-sized businesses as well as government agencies being the target. The electronic process is similar to skimming at gas pumps and ATMs. After eSkimming, scammers install the wayward codes that can capture credit card data in real-time as users enter them. The data is then sold in the dark web or used by thieves to make fraudulent purchases. This and other cyber crimes are part of a growing threat to businesses. Fraudsters gain access to vulnerable websites via a phishing attack by targeting a company's employees or through a vulnerable third party vendor attached to business servers, according to the FBI. It is nearly impossible for consumers to know a website has been infiltrated. That is why it is imperative that businesses protect themselves and consumers by keeping software up-to-date and installing patches, by implementing multi-factor authentication, and by segmenting and segregating networks and functions, so says the FBI. The agency also warns all consumers and especially employees to be wary of email attachments and messages and always create strong unique passwords on all systems and accounts. Additional FBI tips for the prevention of eSkimming fraud include, update and patch all systems with the latest security software, antivirus and anti-malware need to be up-to-date and firewall strong, change default login credentials on all systems, educate employees about safe cyber practices, and most important do not click on links or unexpected attachments in messages. Segregate and segment Network systems to limit how easily cybercriminals can move from one to the other and, report any instance of online fraud to the FBI's internet crime complaint center at or call your local FBI office. If you would like to learn more about how ThrottleNet can assist your business with cybersecurity, contact us today at 866-829-5557 or visit us online at


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