
Is your company protected against a mobile data breach? Mobile security has become much more than just worrying about your smartphone security, today tablets and laptops are also vulnerable. In this TN Alert Director of Sales, Chris Montgomery explains the types of threats that target mobile devices and how to protect yourself.

Video Transcript

My name is Chris Montgomery and welcome to this TN Alert.

There was a time when all you had to concern yourself with when it came to mobile security was your smartphone but this is no longer the case.

We now live in a mobile society in which you have tablets, laptops, or a combination of the two to worry about. Couple this with information often being the most important asset a company can possess and you can assume mobile breaches are, and will continue to be a threat to businesses of all sizes.

Let's start with data leakage according to research by Ponemon, companies have Chance of almost 28 percent that they will suffer a breach within the next two years. However, a lot of this is preventable given that the biggest threat comes from users who are often lacks and what information they allow apps to share. The solution to this is as simple as educating users on how and when to transfer sensitive data, as well as what permissions they give their mobile applications.

Next up or two items most are familiar with, Phishing and scam attacks. The frustrating aspect of these types of attacks is how easily avoidable they are since most come in Via social engineering attacks. For those that aren't aware of what social engineering is an example might be someone sending an email with an address that's familiar to you which contains a link that once clicked on will begin infecting your PC. The solution to this is to train your users on
what to look out for when checking their email and what to do if they believe they are being targeted.

Another way a mobile device can be compromised is by being on an unsecured Network.
As we become more mobile, we also need to be more conscientious of the networks were connecting to. For example, in a previous TN Alert we discussed Wi-Fi Phishing and how easy it is for someone to spoof a network resulting in you inadvertently logging into a malicious Network, as opposed to the secure network you're accustomed to. Unfortunately, the only way to protect against this is for the user to be more Vigilant in their behavior when connecting to public networks.

Last but certainly not least is Smishing. Smishing is like Phishing in that a text message is sent to your device to entice you into making a call which can automatically breach your device. The solution to this thread is largely education. Simply include this in any training you provide around phishing attacks and advise your employees to never call unknown numbers texted to their mobile device.
If you'd like more information on how ThrottleNet can help you protect your business against mobile device threats, please visit us online at


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