
Is your network and data secure? Gain insights into trends and outside threats that could put your network and data at risk, and what you can do to improve network security. This includes lack of strong password policies, unlocked workstations, remotee desktops accessing your network as well as hackers stealing your data through network security vulnerabilities. Learn more about how to improve your network security from ThrottleNet.

Video Transcript

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be hard to keep up on all things data security. There are so many outside threats that makes your data at risk. In this week’s episode, we are discussing the tops trends that could put your data at risk in 2019 and some helpful insights about security vulnerabilities.

Video Transcription

Welcome back to this week’s episode of TnTV about Trends that could put your data at risk. My name is Chris Montgomery, Sales Director at ThrottleNet, and today I have with me Corey Phillips who is the Support Crew Manager. In this short video, we will be discussing the various security methods that companies should be paying attention to and what you need to be thinking about in order to protect yourself from unauthorized access to your network. More specifically, what is the most popular trends that we are seeing involving data risk in 2019?


Is My Data Secure?

First things first, look at the level of your data security within your company. Get in tune with your IT department and see if there is a lack of security anywhere. IT is not always one of the priorities at some companies, and we are here to tell you that it is the time it becomes a top priority. A few must-have things to ensure your data is secure are strong set passwords and password policies, to make sure there is an actual password set and it is not a simple password, and to have workstations that are supervised or locked at all times. All the data you have collected over your years of operation is what makes up your business, it is important to always protect that.

Data Security Checklist:

  • Strong passwords
  • Strong password policies (no simple passwords allowed)
  • Workstations are always monitored/locked


Watch out for A.I.

A.I. is a new technology that has been advancing rapidly. Although, some businesses might want to be a little weary towards it. A.I. stands for Artificial Intelligence and is essentially a human simulation of an intelligent process. Some examples of A.I. include Alexa, Siri, OK Google, etc. When this technology is put to good use, the benefits it can have are tremendous. However, these A.I. devices are always listening or watching you, which is where some companies could potentially be at risk. A.I. machines are constantly listening for you to give it a command and everything they hear is stored data in its system. The more information A.I. collects, the more it learns from the environment. However, if there is private information about your company that is being discussed, you might not always want that information being stored anywhere.

A.I. Checklist:

  • Make sure it’s being used for good, not evil.
  • Beware of devices listening in
  • Alexa, Siri, OK Google. Etc.

Outside Devices

Most businesses are not always aware of all the devices their employees are bringing into their office building. It can be hard, almost impossible to closely monitor people’s personal devices they are bringing with them to work whether you like it or not. When an employee, or anyone who enters your building and uses your network on their own device, you have no control over what they are remoting through your networks system. People’s personal devices have the possibility of having malware, viruses, or no security protocols setup whatsoever. All this lack of security on other’s devices puts your data security at risk.

When someone brings in a laptop, iPhone, Tablet, etc. into your business and uses their credentials to use your network, they are exposing it to any danger on their device. Some companies try implementing some type of personal device policy where people’s devices have to have no malware, viruses and be password protected. However, these policies can be very difficult to regulate. The overall best prevention measure to deal with the risk of outside devices is to simply increase your IT security in general.

Outside Device Checklist:

  • Try to set a device policy
  • I.E. personal devices put be password protected with the latest antivirus protection and no malware
  • However, this will be hard to regulate
  • Be prepared for the risk that outside devices bring
  • Increase your data security for prevention measures

Beware of Hackers

When a hacker gets into your system, it can often go unnoticed. Hackers will sneak through your data system, steal information, and get back out without leaving a trace. Sometimes small businesses do not think they are at risk of hackers because hackers only like to deal with larger operations. This is very wrong, most hackers actually prefer to hack smaller businesses because it is a lot easier to do. Smaller companies still have valuable information such as financial statements, social security numbers, employee birthdays, and more. All this data is information that can be sold very quickly and hackers can earn a lot of profit from it. The IT departments of smaller companies are often overlooked due to a smaller budget. Although IT security can be an expense on your company, the payoffs will outweigh the costs.

Hacker Prevention Checklist:

  • Monitor your network data system regularly to ensure no outside forces have gotten in
  • Up your IT security, especially if you are a smaller business
  • Stay updated on ways hackers could get into your system and use diligent prevention methods

Final Checklist of How to Secure your Data

  • Password protect all data with a strong password that are not easily encoded
  • Always monitor all workstations with a lock or supervisor
  • Be aware of A.I. devices listening or watching you (Alexa, Sire, OK Google, etc.)
  • Create prevention tactics for risks that outside devices may bring into your business (laptops, iPhones, tablets, etc.)
  • Regularly check data system to ensure there have been no outside invaders
  • Delegate larger portion of your budget to your IT security (especially if you are a smaller business)
If anything you’ve heard today peaks your interest, if you have any concerns, or just want to learn more, give us a call at 866-826-5966 and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


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