When it comes to business continuity, there’s no time for downtime. Without top-tier security, even the best IT can be quickly rendered useless. Cyber-criminals use sophisticated tools to scan the internet looking for opportunities. Right now, as businesses scramble to make it work from remote home offices and reduced on-site teams, the internet is teeming with insidious opportunity. Cyber-criminals don’t discriminate. Anyone can be a target. It doesn’t matter if you’re a non-profit, small business, or larger enterprise. if your business depends on technology to run smoothly (and nowadays, whose doesn’t?), it only makes sense to secure it properly.

“Thanks to the knowledgeable support team at ThrottleNet, our network is running faster and more efficient than ever before.” – Dr. Richard Goldberg

Having strong IT security doesn’t mean making every internal transaction require 2-factor authentication or that you need to install retina scanning to access your server. It means finding the right software and protocols for your needs and implementing them in smart ways that work for you. Often it simply requires that your staff and your policies follow some simple best practices, and your software is properly protected. ThrottleNet’s Custom IT Security Solutions Are the Perfect Fit You’re in the business of staying in business. Do you have a business continuity plan? Is security is included? You know how much productivity is affected when your email goes down (we make sure it doesn’t). Now imagine not having access to your server or your essential files and data for a day. For a week? What if your data is held hostage with ransomware by someone demanding payment in bitcoin; would your business survive?

According to the Ponemon Institute, a leading private research organization that conducts independent research on privacy, data protection and information security policy, the average cost of cleaning up after being hacked stands at $690,000 for small businesses and over $1 million for mid-market companies. Most businesses can’t afford that kind of expense, especially in the faltering economy and uncertain future of COVID-19. The first key to IT security is prevention. Every network in the world shares a common weakest link – its users. Keeping your staff keenly trained on best practices and on the lookout for threats is your number one defense against cyber crime. Don’t overlook this crucial element in your IT security strategy!

The next key is protection. Getting targeted by a cyberattack might be inevitable, but getting penetrated is not. A proactive cyber defense plan will not only engage your employees as a security force, but use technology solutions to shield your network, databases, and communication systems from viruses, phishing, ransomware, malware, and all other tools criminals use attack your business.

  • Firewalls
  • Offsite backups with cloud replication
  • Threat monitoring
  • Virus/malware/adware detection and removal
  • Software patches
  • Heuristic Threat Detecting Software

Don’t forget about your policies and procedures! Tools are only effective if you use them correctly. 

The third key is planning. In the event of a cyber-attack, you need your business to be part of the 40 percent that survives. This means having a complete disaster recovery and business continuity plan in place with technology at its core. In the old days, of paper and physical theft and destruction, what was lost was lost forever and there was no going back. But we live in the future now, and technology has mitigated that risk. Play your security strategy right, and your business can be back up, running, and recovering in no time.

“Ultimately, ThrottleNet’s quick response and expertise has been crucial in supporting our infrastructure at RBO PrintLogistix.” – Jim Riley, CEO and President of RBO PrintLogistix

Backing up data is one thing; testing the backups is another. What good is a backup file if it’s infected with the same ransomware that’s holding your data hostage? The time to plan is before there’s an emergency; redundancies are now essential. By working together, we’ll make sure your business has a plan to stay up and running.

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15 Ways to Protect Your Business from Cyberattacks