Mac users really love their Macs. It’s easy to understand why: Elegant, intuitive, and high-quality product design. Fewer viruses and cybercrime. All the best accessories. More than anything else though, most Mac devotees will tell you it’s the simplicity of Apple, Inc. technology they love the best. From simple user interfaces to seamless integration across all their devices, everything about the Apple ecosystem is made to be easy. There’s one thing about Macs that isn’t so simple, however: supporting them in the workplace. Many companies, especially those with a strong Windows PC-based technology legacy, struggle to adequately support Mac computers and macOS at work. In the old days, it was easy for a company to just purchase Windows software and PCs and force Mac users to conform. In the era of BYOD (bring your own device) IT policies, however, the avoidance strategy is no longer sufficient. Not that it was ever a great idea to begin with. All that famed Mac simplicity and security adds up to more productivity, lower maintenance costs, and less risk to your data and network. Even Microsoft’s old pal IBM has plainly stated on numerous occasions that Macs are very good for business. IBM: Mac users perform better at work and close larger high-value sales compared to PC users

  • Greater productivity
  • Improved performance
  • Lower cost per user
  • Lower support engineer-to-user ratio
  • Better employee retention
  • Higher-value sales deals

While the benefits of making Mac devices part of your business technology strategy are clear, the logistics of doing so are a little murkier. If everything about Mac is made to be easy, why are they so challenging for IT departments to support?

If you ask your IT manager, there’s a good chance you’ll hear a reply back about inflexible architecture, expensive cost, or availability of applications. They might try to explain why PCs are better. Many of these reasons will be based on inaccurate or outdated information. Technology has come a long way and Macs have, too.

Here’s the plain and simple truth: a lot of businesses and IT companies say no to Macs because they just don’t know how to handle them. Many IT departments – both internal and outsourced – simply aren’t equipped or qualified to handle Macs in the workplace. ThrottleNet is. We have Apple Certified Support Professional (ASCP) engineers and technicians on staff and a successful track record of helping companies integrate Macs in the workplace. We are one of only a few outsourced IT companies in St. Louis that can meet businesses’ needs for comprehensive Apple-related managed security, support and consulting services. [vc_custom_heading text=”Mac Business Solutions from ThrottleNet – #1 IT Management Company St. Louis
” font_container=”tag:h5|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”]

  • vCIO consulting
  • Mac-based cloud & virtual environments
  • Managed macOS & iOS security
  • BYOD strategies
  • Google Apps & Office 365 software for Mac
  • Apple Certified Support

Supporting Apple devices and Mac computers can be a battle for your business, but it’s one that ThrottleNet can help you win.

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