Cybersecurity doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, there are many simple measures that anyone can take at home to prevent themselves or their business from becoming the victim of a cybercrime.  

So let’s go back to the basics! Here are just a few simple cybersecurity tips for staying secure at home. Add these to your cybersecurity habits at work.

Be smart with passwords.

Using a simple or insecure password is one of the most common ways in which you can leave yourself susceptible to cyberattacks. Passwords that are easy to remember are also easy to hack.

As a basic rule, passwords should always contain a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers. Throw in a symbol too for extra security. And resist the temptation to write your passwords down!

In addition to creating strong passwords, you should ensure that you’re using different passwords for different accounts, and you should make a point of regularly changing your passwords. This will help to mitigate the damage if a password is stolen, because the hacker won’t have access to all of your other accounts as well.

Be careful on social media.

You can potentially reveal sensitive information on social media that could be used to hack you. Even something as simple as the fact that you’re on vacation could inspire someone to break into your home.

Make sure to keep your social media accounts private so that only trusted friends and family can view your posts. Never accept friend requests from people you don’t know, and be wary of those with duplicate accounts. 

You should also be wary of friends direct-messaging you strange links or requests for money. If their behavior seems out of the ordinary, or their manner of communicating seems different, a hacker could have obtained access to their account. 

Be deliberate about app privileges.

When you install a new app on your phone, it will often request access to certain privileges, like your location. This collection of data may be necessary for the app to function, but some apps could be less trustworthy. Take special care with smaller, less common apps.

Before you automatically grant privileges, consider if the request makes sense. If it doesn’t, don’t grant access! Location-sharing privileges are especially risky, as they can reveal where you are to anyone online.

Be proactive with antivirus software.

It’s important that you have trusted antivirus software installed on all your devices. Viruses can reach your computer in a variety of ways, and good antivirus software will guard against them so that they don’t wreak havoc on your system undetected.

Keeping your software up-to-date will make sure it is prepared for all of the latest digital threats. If you always leave your computer on standby, it may never get a chance to restart and update, so make sure that you’re shutting down and restarting your computer on a regular basis.

Cybersecurity is a big deal.

These cybersecurity habits will protect you and your family, your coworkers, and your employer! Cyberattacks can come at any time, and all it takes is one slip to be in trouble.

We hope these tips help you review your cybersecurity habits and identify areas for improvement! If you are concerned about security on a larger scale, talk to us about our cybersecurity services for businesses.

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