The cloud is appealing to small businesses for so many different reasons. Scalability, security, cost and the freedom to go anywhere are all motivating factors that make moving to the cloud a no-brainer for business.

But change is hard – especially after years of learning and understanding the ins and outs of your legacy system. While some employees may experience headaches after migrating to the cloud there are steps you can take to make migrating to the cloud a hassle-free experience.

Start with a Hybrid Cloud if a Full-Blown Cloud Transition Has You Uncomfortable

A hybrid cloud model leaves certain operational assets on premise while other data is stored in the cloud. If you have a consumer or client focused side of your business with simultaneous internal operations, you may opt to store confidential client data on premise and store files and emails in the cloud. Some businesses prefer to work off an on-site network for regular workloads but switch to the cloud during peak periods to ensure quality delivery no matter how great demand is. This flexible, affordable option is great for businesses wanting to get their feet wet in the cloud without diving in.

Get Support from Key Executives & Expect Resistance

Change is hard for professionals who are set in their way of thinking and doing business.

Have an executive in place who promotes the cause and speaks to those impacted by the change. Explain the benefits of moving to the cloud to your organization, how job duties will change and why you are moving to the cloud.

If your employees believe in the cause just as much as management, the cloud transition will go much smoother.

Provide Training to Make the Cloud Transition Easier

Migrating to the cloud is a big change and you don’t want to throw anyone to the wolves. If processes or models will change or if a lot of your employee’s workload is being moved to the cloud some degree of training will need to occur. This is critical for both your IT staff and end-users who will be accessing data from the cloud on a regular basis.

Launch New Projects in the Cloud

After migrating to the cloud and understanding it’s basic functionality, begin working in it immediately and make a habit of working in the cloud exclusively. The cloud allows for greater collaboration across departments and team members, reducing barriers and allowing for more experimentation.

Work with a Cloud Transition Expert

ThrottleNet has helped a multitude of small businesses in St. Louis seamlessly transition to the cloud, providing unparalleled IT consulting and managed solutions for business. We offer easy-to-use Cloud Desktop powered by OS33, along with the latest in cloud mail, cloud voice and cloud server solutions. Contact us today to learn how ThrottleNet can make moving to the cloud simpler and more cost-effective than you thought was possible.