
Cyber Due Dilligence

As cyber-attacks rise drastically–with 92% of data breaches early last year consisting of cyber attacks–businesses are not as foundationally safe as they used to be. Mergers and acquisitions can be dangerous and costly if you don’t do your due diligence. 

At ThrottleNet, we are here to help carry out Cybersecurity due diligence to avoid any form of mishaps within your organization.

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What is Cybersecurity Due Diligence?

Cybersecurity due diligence is the process of ensuring that a business is secure and compliant before being acquired by another organization. It requires assessing the security infrastructure, evaluating the existing cyber risk management practices, performing background checks on key personnel, and conducting data privacy assessments. 

When provided by an expert like ThrottleNet, this valuable service helps to ensure that any potential risks are identified and dealt with.

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How Does it Work?

ThrottleNet’s team of expert security engineers and data privacy specialists are here to aid you in the due diligence process. Let’s take a look at the steps we take to secure your business.

ThrottleNet meeting room

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What happens without cyber due diligence?

Without conducting proper cyber due diligence before merging with a company, you risk inheriting all of its security flaws and vulnerabilities. These flaws can lead to cyber attacks such as data breaches, resulting in costly legal fees and reputational damage. 

On top of that, failing to properly assess cyber risks can leave your business exposed when it comes to regulations such as PCI DSS and HIPAA. Cyber due diligence is no joke. Don’t fall behind. 

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Don't wait for your next IT crisis. Contact us today for a free on-site consultation & security report to evaluate your business’s IT security needs.

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