Losing or exposing sensitive data is one of the quickest ways for your company’s reputation to suffer. Customers and clients want to ensure any information they provide to you is safe and secure and a breach of any type hurts your company’s reputation. This makes your company’s brand reputation and cybersecurity go hand in hand. The biggest challenge today is cybersecurity, which is crucial for marketers to take seriously. With marketing, there are massive amounts of big data being collected. If cybercriminals get access to that data, your whole brand could be at a loss.

The amount of malicious cyberattacks, which is one-fourth of all data breaches, is on the rise. This includes hacking, phishing, click fraud, and others that you probably are unaware of right now since cybercriminals are always ahead of the game.

After a data breach, the asset that will be most evidently damaged by the breach would likely be the company’s brand reputation. It is important to protect your customer’s data so your business doesn’t end up on the news for the wrong reasons.

Since so many businesses operate online, having an online reputation is crucial. But what can be done to secure your online reputation while also protecting your customer’s sensitive data?

  1. Keep track of the social media profiles for your company
    Always take time to analyze your company’s online presence and make necessary adjustments to protect its reputation online. Make sure that all of your company’s social media profiles are verified accounts. When a business’s social media is verified, it shows people that your account is the official page that highlights the products and services offered by your company. This can help with any problems that might occur from fake profiles being created in your business’s name.
  2. Allow access to only those who need it
    People that have access to your accounts who don’t need direct access lets cybercriminals and hackers have another way to get access to your company’s data.
  3. Move to the cloud
    There are tons of businesses moving to the cloud in order to protect their customer’s information, as well as their own information online. Cloud servers are optimal for enhancing the security of your data. Apart from cloud servers, other ways to keep your company out of any trouble would be having software that includes encrypted databases.
  4. Use a virtual private network (VPN)
    For a small price, a virtual private network is a service that is helpful for online security. A VPN forms a secured virtual tunnel that allows data to go from the original source to its destination. During this process, each piece of data that passes through is encrypted. For businesses that have many people or multiple devices using the same account, a VPN would be beneficial.
  5. Keep all devices & software up to date and secure
    Usually, the only time we think about updating our software and devices is when something bad happens, or when there is a new feature that we think could be helpful. However, most updates are security fixes. When a program’s developer recognizes a security issue in the software, security fixes are released. Thus, it is important to keep all of your devices and software updated as soon as they are released so you don’t experience any security issues.
These key points ensure that your data stays secure, and allows for your business reputation not to be compromised.

People like to work with companies they trust to keep their information secure. Make sure your company is getting the right security for your customer’s data to keep up the reputation of your brand. Contact Throttlenet today to get more information on our IT services and how we can help your business and its reputation!

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