The best of the best managers and business owners understand cybersecurity risk. They are willing to not only recognize their own cyber risks but also embrace them. In fact, these top-tier professionals know that cyber risk is a fundamental part of doing business in the digital age. 

However, the vast majority of businesses have yet to come to grips with this reality. Instead, they operate under the false assumption that cyber vulnerabilities can be eliminated completely. Remember, cybersecurity is a journey, not a destination. 

When businesses assume that cyber vulnerabilities can be completely eliminated, they are effectively saying that cyber incidents will never happen to them. This kind of thinking leads to a false sense of security, which can have devastating consequences.

  • First, it leads to complacency. If businesses believe that they are immune to cyber attacks, they are less likely to invest in cybersecurity measures. This lack of investment leaves them vulnerable to attack.
  • Second, this mindset leads to a lack of preparedness. If businesses believe that cyber-attacks will never happen to them, they are unlikely to have incident response plans in place. This lack of security preparation means that when an incident or breach does occur, they will be ill-equipped to deal with it.

Change Things Up With a Maturity-based, Assumed Risk Approach

The best way to protect your business from cyber-attacks is to assume that you are already vulnerable. This may seem like a counterintuitive approach, but it is the only way to truly mitigate cyber risk. 

By assuming that you are already vulnerable, you will be more likely to invest in cybersecurity measures. You will also be more likely to have incident response plans in place. And, perhaps most importantly, you will be less likely to fall victim to complacency.

If we want to shift the balance of power in the cybersecurity world from hackers to businesses, we need to start assuming cyber risk and taking a proactive approach.

The Benefits of an Assumed Risk Approach For Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment

When it comes to cybersecurity risk assessment, the assumed risk approach has a number of benefits.

  • First, it forces businesses to take cyber risks seriously. If businesses believe that they are immune to cyber attacks, they are unlikely to invest in cybersecurity measures.
  • Second, the assumed risk approach leads to a more comprehensive assessment. By assuming that you are already vulnerable, you will be more likely to consider all of the possible cyber risks that your business faces.
  • Third, this approach leads to a more realistic assessment. When businesses assume that cyber-attacks will never happen to them, they are often inaccurate in their assessments. The assumed risk approach leads to more accurate assessments, which can help businesses make better decisions about how to allocate their resources.
  • Fourth, proactive cybersecurity on your part can help businesses save money. When businesses assume that cyber-attacks will never happen to them, they often invest in unnecessary cybersecurity measures. The assumed risk approach can help businesses avoid these wasted expenditures. Let’s not forget the financial impact of a cyber-attack. 
  • Finally, the assumed risk approach can help businesses improve their overall cyber hygiene. This improved cyber hygiene can lead to a reduction in the overall number of cyber incidents.

ThrottleNet’s Proactive Approach To Cybersecurity Reduces Your Risk

If you are ready to embrace the assumed risk approach, ThrottleNet can help you today. We are a managed IT service provider and we are experts in helping businesses secure their networks and data. We can help you assess your cyber risks, implement security measures, and develop incident response plans.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you protect your business from cyber-attacks.

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