According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center, cybercriminals stole a projected (and astounding) $6.9 billion from Americans in 2021 alone—a drastic increase from the $4.2 billion reported in 2020. This number is astronomically high, and it seems to only be increasing with each passing year. 

Email scams are also booming, with phishing email scams cited as one of the most popular methods of attack against businesses, costing nearly $2.5 billion. These statistics are nothing short of staggering and should cause businesses to start thinking hard about email security. 

Here are 5 reasons why email security should be a top priority for your St. Louis business:

1. Cybercriminals Love Your Email

Emails are particularly enticing to cybercriminals. One of the reasons for this is simply due to the popularity of email. 

In spite of the ease at which email can be utilized and the familiarity we all have with it, most employees and workers actually lack the education, experience, and training necessary to identify a phishing email or any other forms of malicious content. 

Cybercriminals are fully aware of this weakness and want to exploit it at every opportunity. Many businesses, small and large, are simply unprepared to handle these threats.

2. Ransomware is the Most Common Threat

One of the most common types of email attack comes in the form of a ransomware virus.  This type of virus will encrypt data on your company’s computers, preventing access to them. The attackers then demand payment before unlocking the encrypted data. It’s a huge problem for businesses as it can lead to hours or days of lost productivity and significant financial losses.

3. Email Security is a Business Advantage

Having secure email practices in place has become an increasingly important competitive advantage for businesses. Consumers are becoming more aware of cyber threats and their potential costs, making them hesitant to do business with companies that cannot guarantee the security of their private information. 

Having strong email security processes in place will not only protect your business from malicious threats, but it can also provide assurance to customers that their information is being kept safe and secure.

4. Remote Working Increases Attack Surface Area

The pandemic has forced many businesses to adopt remote working practices, and while this can have numerous advantages, such as increased customer engagement and reduced operating costs, it can also be a double-edged sword. 

Remote employees are more likely to be exposed to email scams because they don’t have the same level of protection as those in an office environment. Attackers can target emails with malicious content that could lead to crippling security breaches.

5. The Stakes are Higher Than Ever

The terrifying reality is that hackers are becoming more sophisticated in their tactics when it comes to breaking into corporate networks. With the rise of 5G technology, cyberattacks are becoming faster and damaging data breaches can occur in minutes or even seconds. 

Protect Your Email with ThrottleNet

Email security should be a top priority for any business. The good news is that there are solutions available to help businesses protect themselves from these threats. ThrottleNet offers comprehensive email security solutions designed to keep your company safe from malicious attacks, and provide you with peace of mind knowing that your data is secure. 

Get in touch today to learn how we can help keep your St. Louis business safe from email scams and other cyber threats. Together, let’s make sure your business is fully protected!

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