Most of the decisions made in business are to protect or increase the bottom-line. Cloud services are reported to boost profits and spur growth. By using cloud hosting, your company can scale and reduce data without the additional cost and physical space taken up by servers. The cloud is also convenient with easy file sharing capabilities, ensuring that teams can coordinate and work on projects from anywhere at any time.

In light of the COVID-19 lockdowns, the cloud is keeping many companies open, allowing workers to communicate, collaborate, and keep operations moving. Zoom, OneDrive, and other cloud-based applications provide greater workforce mobility. Migrating your business to the cloud will allow more customers to be served and workers to stay productive with a secure job to support their families. Additionally, it will allow employees to have more creativity and control in their day, thereby increasing their job satisfaction.

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to plan, you are preparing to fail.”

Set a clear plan with objectives and goals, perhaps with a mix of on-premise and cloud solutions. This could be referred to as an implementation road map. Businesses should create milestones to pause the migration from an on-premise to a cloud solution. Think of it as using the off-ramp on a highway to get gas and check your map before continuing your road trip. It’s an opportunity to check and evaluate your progress. Carefully analyze each benefit when making a complicated transition. Moving some data to the cloud may impact the user experience. Certain hosts can make it difficult for a business to work with the data.  Some pieces of data need local copies or caches of data to be used while maintaining a backup of that data in the cloud. Find the solutions that work best for your business.

Benefits of cloud servers include:

  • Performance
  • Security
  • Around-the-clock support
  • Control
  • Scalability

At Throttlenet, we understand that not all businesses have their own IT department to implement large and complicated transitions. Our business engineers will help you migrate and expand your services as your company grows. Click here to learn about our managed cloud software. After all, business happens around-the-clock, and your employees need to be able to access systems, software, emails, and documents at any time.

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